Collaboration Revolution - Advancing Collaboration for the Future of Work - Blog & Research

Let's Not Be In Replica Mode

Written by Victoria Garza | May 28, 2010 8:36:13 PM
Having just finished a collaboration event in Chicago, IL for XYZ--I'm strikingly reminded what's really important in collaboration design and execution, and how little patience I have for the small crap.
With a classic three-day design (ala ABC Company style, but with JKL Company) and a seasoned facilitator--I'm always wondering what we can do differently. If you can always plug and play it, then maybe there is something lacking....hmmm.
Some random notes:
-  The right supplies matter (unless you change the scope)
-  The right technology matters (unless you change the scope)
-  "Classic" can be meaningful or a frustrating waste of time and effort (again, depending on the scope)
-  Innovation requires changing your thoughts (and the scope)...
Do you get the trend here? I'm tired of being a robot dressed up like a consultant expected to do what we did a decade ago when the future of collaboration seems to be changing. Does anyone else feel it? iPAD's in breakouts is amazing! Times are changing fast. Hoping to inspire a discussion of what collaboration work is and what it can do--both now and in the future.