Collaboration Revolution - Advancing Collaboration for the Future of Work - Blog & Research

Meeting Design & Facilitation, Cross Cultural Training, Virtual Teams

Written by Brandon Klein | Mar 23, 2011 6:33:00 PM

Guided Insights, located close to Boston, provides meeting facilitation, workshop design, facilitation skills and cross-cultural training and virtual team training and support.

Productive conversations that deliver results

Are you finding it nearly impossible to have a focused, intelligent conversation these days? You know, the kind where people pay attention to what each other have to say, engage in healthy debates, apply critical thinking skills to solve problems, or spawn exciting new ideas without constraint?

Most of us crave intelligent conversations, which have become alarming rare. What’s getting in the way? Too little time, too far apart, too many distractions, too much complexity, too much to do… for starters. And yet, without productive conversations, we risk getting very little done that’s really worth doing.