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Work Smart: Claiming Your Name on the Web | Fast Company

Written by Brandon Klein | Mar 22, 2011 6:29:00 PM

A startup founder I know was hiring recently, and she told me, "I search for applicants on the Web before I call them in for an interview. What people do online tells you more than a resume can."

When someone Googles your name, what do they find? Is it a outdated quote from an ancient article in your college newspaper? Is it your blog dedicated to cute photos of ferrets? Or is it a bunch of pages about someone else who happens to share your name?

Google is the new pre-interview. It's the universal way people try to find you. Potential clients, bosses, dates, and old high school friends are searching for your name on the Web, and you should have a say in what they get back. To make yourself findable, claim your name in Web search results by setting up pages with information you're comfortable sharing.