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Combining Fibonacci and Degreed to Help Students “Size” Their Learning | Kevin W. Raney

Written by Brandon Klein | Jan 20, 2014 2:22:02 PM

Every learning path is a project and at the beginning of every project, the team or in this case student, plans out how much effort will be required to update a portfolio that can be shared with employers and colleagues. In the case of Agile Project Management, a Fibonacci Sequence (1,2,3,5,8,13,21…….n), is used to quickly “size” the story points for each sprint so the team can quickly gauge how much effort will be required. A task that is worth 1 point will require less time and effort than a task worth 8 points. So if a team has 1 month to accomplish 10 tasks, they must take into consideration the size of each task and prioritize what will be accomplished in that timeframe. The primary goal at the end is to create a minimally viable product that can be taken to market.

In the case of Agile Learning, that product is a student’s portfolio and the size of each task is represented by Learning Points. Instead of using the Fibonacci Sequence, we will use the Degreed point system. Learning Points represent the amount of effort required to complete a Learning Module. Here is a quick list of different ways a self-organized student may learn and the corresponding Degreed points:

Video (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) = 1 point (many videos are usually less than 1 point but I round-up for the sake of simplicity in this discussion)
Articles/Blogs = 1 point (again I found up to simplify the discussion)
Book = 5-10 points
MOOC Course = 10-25 points
Traditional Undergraduate Degree Course = 30 – 100 (depends on whether it was a first year course or senior level course)
Traditional Masters Degree Course = 100 – 150