We’ve taken the complexity
out of facial recognition.
Develop and enhance any application with
advanced face recognition capabilities.
Face Recognition Features
Line drawing of a face symbolising Kairos face detection
Find faces and landmarks such as eyes, nose and mouth in photos.
Line drawing of a group of faces symbolising Kairos identification
Search for one-to-many matches. Answers the question “Who is this person?”.
Line drawing of a face with a check mark symbolising Kairos verification
Search for one-to-one matches. Answers the question “Is this Elizabeth?”.
Line drawing of three dimensional face symbolising Kairos 2D to 3D modeling
2D to 3D Modeling
We make a 3D model of each face to enable accurate comparisons and matching.
Line drawing of a magic wand and stars symbolising Kairos auto-correction
This fixes the pose, lighting and rotation of faces in your photos.
Line drawing of some photos symbolising Kairos galleries
You can separate faces into galleries for easy searching and categorization.
Accurate, fast, and scalable emotion analysis on demand.
Attention Measurement
Measures total attention time, number of glances, blink detection, and attention span.
Emotion Detection
Detect facial expressions such as smiles, surprise, anger, dislike and drowsiness.
Facial Expression Detection
Detects facial expressions including smiles, frowns, anger, and surprise.
Gender Detection
Detects gender and assign a probability score to each detected face.
Age Detection
Detects approximate age and groups faces as very young, young, adult, or senior.
Reporting API
Use our easy analytics REST API to integrate your data with your own systems.