Thomas Malone on Building Smarter Teams
What if you could measure the intelligence of a group? What if you could predict which committees, assigned to design a horse, would end up with a…
Brandon Klein
Sep 15, 2014
Outdoor Midnight Snacking Breaks Down Barriers in a Chinese City
In a recent interview with Fortune for an article titled “The New Metropolis,” Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh and MeetUp Co-Founder and CEO Scott Heifermann…
Brandon Klein
Sep 15, 2014
The Evolution Of The Employee
One of the things I have been writing about and have tried to make clear over the past few months is that work as we know it is dead and that the…
Brandon Klein
Sep 04, 2014 - reserved seating as a service
SEATS logo IO reserved seating as a service
Brandon Klein
Sep 01, 2014
The site is built by Jon Kågström using WordPress as the framework and the classification is powered by his text classification server uClassify. It…
Brandon Klein
Sep 01, 2014