Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

“Building a purposeful social network” – a course update | John Stepper

1. Defining your personal goal
Brandon Klein Apr 16, 2014

Can an algorithm help us collaborate?

So, basically, it was designed to make useful connections between delegates by matching up people that wouldn’t ordinarily know each other, but would…
Brandon Klein Mar 31, 2014

The Future Of Business: 4 Ways Companies Will Change | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

We've shifted to a business world where collaboration and connection are replacing hierarchy and bureaucracy. The outdated "alpha" notion of…
Brandon Klein Mar 25, 2014

Jack Ricchiuto

Jack Ricchiuto is best known across the US and globally for his experience as a writer engaged in shifting conversations to new narratives.
Brandon Klein Mar 10, 2014

Retrieving cooperation | Harold Jarche

At a high level, there appear to be three major root causes for why collaboration — the very core of how people come together and function as a…
Brandon Klein Mar 07, 2014

Co, Co, Co, Co, Collaborative Power -

Ever since we really started organising we've had something called management. People, referred to as managers who actively institutionalised…
Brandon Klein Feb 24, 2014

How Big Should Your Network Be? - Forbes

There is a debate happening between software developers and scientists: How large can and should our networks be in this evolving world of social…
Brandon Klein Jan 07, 2014

Knowledge Broker |

A knowledge broker is a person that links people to people or people to information in order to share learning, better understand each other’s goals…
Brandon Klein Dec 11, 2013

The Gift We Love to Receive but Forget to Give | LinkedIn

It’s an introduction. It takes just a few minutes to connect two people who might benefit from knowing each other, and the results sometimes change…
Brandon Klein Dec 11, 2013

Workplace, space and connectedness | Optimice

I think the most important work that happens in organisations today is social, and apart from purely transactional work I can’t think of any example…
Brandon Klein Dec 09, 2013