Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

PageRank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm, named after Larry Page, used by the Google Internet search engine that assigns a numerical weighting to each…
Brandon Klein Jan 16, 2011

Social Web Blog: Introducing the ClackPoint gadget

The ClackPoint gadget doesn't just let your users chat live in a text-based chat room, it also lets them dial in and talk either directly from their…
Brandon Klein Jan 11, 2011

There Are No More Blind Dates; Collaborate Online First

The socially powered Web has become the tool of choice to find business and personal information about the people, products, services, and companies…
Brandon Klein Jun 25, 2010

Full Text Collaboration Books Now Live

We now offer full text viewing and search for all the best collaboration books. Check them out in our Full Text Books section. Here is an example:
Brandon Klein Aug 27, 2009

Collaboration Super Tool, or Just Another Dissipating Wave

Has Google has done it again? New Media Collaboration players are releasing countless software products and upgrades, but none of them (except…
Brandon Klein May 28, 2009

Call 10 Friends, Find the Price of Eggs and Then Go Get Them. Unlikely. Solution?

SCENARIO: Buy the cheapest eggs within in 10 miles without going below 30mph or using more than 1 gallon of gas. SOLUTION: Grocio and MySupermarket…
Brandon Klein Jan 19, 2009