Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Paul Bloom: The Case Against Empathy : The New Yorker

The word “empathy”—a rendering of the German Einfühlung, “feeling into”—is only a century old, but people have been interested for a long time in the…
Brandon Klein May 20, 2013

IDEO Human Centered Design Tool Kit

Why H UMAN C ENTERED D ESIGN ? Because it can help your organization connect better with the people you serve. It can transform data into actionable…
Brandon Klein May 20, 2013

NOOP.NL: Top 100 Best Books for Managers, Leaders & Humans

In this post I proudly present the Top 100 Best Books for Managers, Leaders & Humans. I have created this list using three different criteria: 1)…
Brandon Klein Jan 07, 2011