Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Forget The Mission Statement. What's Your Mission Question? | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

In a previous article, I shared five questions that today’s forward-thinking companies should be asking, based on input from top business…
Brandon Klein Apr 16, 2013

How To Treat Your Employees | TechCrunch

A) Treat them as if they are eventually going to be better than you. Y
Brandon Klein Apr 10, 2013

Communal Spirit: Cooperative vs. Collective | F that S

Both Worker cooperatives and collectives are worker-owned, democratic, and self- managed businesses. However, there are some key differences between…
Brandon Klein Mar 04, 2013

IBM Organizational Adaptability Quotient

Predictor of Business Transformation Success When we performed a statistical analysis of the ONA data, one network metric emerged as a statistically…
Brandon Klein Feb 22, 2013 - InFlow Social Network Analysis Software for Business, Communities and Government

Software for Social Network Analysis & Organizational Network Analysis If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is an interactive model of your…
Brandon Klein Feb 22, 2013

The 3 Pillars Of The Innovation Economy | Fast Company

>1. A Leader’s Emotional Intelligence
Brandon Klein Feb 21, 2013

Collaboration Is Crucial to Way Ad Agencies Do Business - Small Agency Diary - A...

The secret to true and effective collaboration is to have allegiance to the common purpose of great ideas being brought to fruition. If your agency's…
Brandon Klein Feb 25, 2012

Ten Ways to Get People to Change - Morten T. Hansen - Harvard Business Review

How do you get leaders, employees, customers — and even yourself — to change behaviors? Executives can change strategy, products and processes until…
Brandon Klein Aug 06, 2011

How leaders kill meaning at work - McKinsey Quarterly - Governance - Leadership

As a senior executive, you may think you know what Job Number 1 is: developing a killer strategy. In fact, this is only Job 1a. You have a second,…
Brandon Klein Jun 03, 2011

Who Should be Your Chief Collaboration Officer? - Morten T. Hansen and Scott Tap...

Companies need an executive responsible for integrating the enterprise — a Chief Collaboration Officer (CCO). Increasingly, companies are embracing…
Brandon Klein Apr 14, 2011