Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Change Your Introduction, Change The Atmosphere

At an event in Tucson, and in light of the recent events, we decided to take a different approach to the typical event introduction. Instead of one…
Mirra Fine Jan 24, 2011

STOP: Teach Art Before Your Customers Answer Questions

Many of us run individual perspectives activities designed to allow participants to communicate their thoughts and feelings in a different way.…
David Roberts Jan 14, 2011

Out of A Meeting and Daydreaming, A Company is Formed

Ever since The Sixth Sense, we have wanted to have wearable data, or at least Smart Clothes like in Back to the Future. Contrary to popular belief,…
Brandon Klein Nov 17, 2009

Build A House Exercise

Click here to download (6MB) the materials necessary for the assignment (graphics, price lists, design requirements, materials...) No overview…
Brandon Klein Feb 12, 2007

Models : Overview To Help Set Context

DESCRIPTION: In the “classic, 3-day DesignShop” an hour or so is set aside during the first day for the facilitation team to introduce models about…
Brandon Klein Nov 30, 2006

Build A Model II

DESCRIPTION: This is a usually a DesignTeam module in the Scan phase of the process. Each team is given a materials for them to use to construct a…
Brandon Klein Aug 09, 2006

Build A Model

DESCRIPTION: This is the generic form of a majority of DesignTeam assignments. Each team is assigned to build a model that clarifies some process or…
Brandon Klein Jul 25, 2006

Modeling, Models and More

“The best learning takes place through play. I am not talking about playing with Nerf balls and hula hoops. Rather, I am talking about playing with…
Brandon Klein Sep 26, 2005

You are the model (versus talking about the model)

Problem Models in and of themselves may or may not be useful to a recipient of the model. The form of the introduction of a model may even be an…
Brandon Klein Sep 12, 2005

Simulations, Modeling, Elevating Collaboration

Problem Creating a future is extraordinarily difficult to do without experiencing it. You can’t know how to drive a car until you drive one. Humans…
Brandon Klein Jun 13, 2005