Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Stop or not? How behavioral factors affect decisions related to work interruptions

Work, interrupted
Brandon Klein Jan 29, 2015

Meet The Super Taskers | Psychology Today

Perota is almost certainly one of those rare people whom cognitive psychologist David Strayer of The University of Utah calls a "supertasker":…
Brandon Klein Mar 25, 2014


Attention, concentration, focus, flow… These are words associated with mental states that assist in doing work. If we can focus our attention, we…
Brandon Klein Dec 03, 2013

36 times an hour | johnstepper

Here are some statistics:
Brandon Klein Oct 10, 2013

A Focus on Distraction -

TECHNOLOGY has given us many gifts, among them dozens of new ways to grab our attention. It’s hard to talk to a friend without your phone buzzing at…
Brandon Klein May 06, 2013

Think you can multitask? Congratulations, you're probably living a lie.

Hey you. Yeah, you. The one reading this while you take a working lunch to bang out some emails and phone your friend, all while scanning your…
Brandon Klein Feb 13, 2013


DISPLAX™ is a fledgling company that holds TECHNOLOGY and MARKETING as its distinctive DNA. INNOVATION is more than DISPLAX™’s core business,…
Brandon Klein May 30, 2011

How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review

A study showed that people distracted by incoming email and phone calls saw a 10-point fall in their IQs. What's the impact of a 10-point drop? The…
Brandon Klein Mar 08, 2011

You Can’t Multitask « Aza on Design

Still not convinced? Then try this experiment: Think about the taste of chocolate (that glorious silky rush of sweet earthy flavor) at the exact same…
Brandon Klein Mar 06, 2011