Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Isaac Fortoul

Isaac Fortoul is one of the exponents of today's underground art scene, emerging from the streets of urban America. He humorously discloses-denounces…
Brandon Klein Jan 24, 2011

The End of the (physical) Environment Role

Automatically moving tables and walls according to the event design. It is remarkably close... And marker-less scribing... The Electric Scribe from…
Brandon Klein Jul 22, 2010

Cartoons for Better Collaboration

Scribing/visual facilitation/graphic recording is one of the best ways to create group synergies, common understandings, visuals for clarity and…
Brandon Klein Jun 28, 2010

NPR, Android, A Scribe of Our Own

Heather Willems and Nora Herting run Imagethink. They would never brag about this here, but I think it is pretty impressive, and only represents a…
Brandon Klein Jun 16, 2010

Better Collaboration Though Better Media

Perhaps the greatest barrier to collaboration, and fun for that matter is lack of communication. Talk, chat, converse, explain your perspective. If…
Brandon Klein Nov 19, 2008