Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution - matching startups with large organizations

Thousands of Startups &Hundreds of Enterprises
Brandon Klein Jan 26, 2016

28 things I’d do differently next time around

Things I’d do again
Brandon Klein Nov 09, 2015

Recurrency - Support and connect with the creators you love every week.

Recurrency launched on March 2, 2015, so we don't have frequently asked questions. Instead, we've written a few and then answered them ourselves.…
Brandon Klein Mar 09, 2015

New Book, Ilkka Kakko: "Oasis Way and the Postnormal Era: How Understanding Serendipity Will Lead You to Success"

It will describe the revolutionary change in our society and busi- ness fields that produces a transforming effect also on our innovation…
Brandon Klein Feb 11, 2015

Young Entrepreneur Council

The future of entrepreneurship organizations. YEC members are part of a trusted, invite-only community that elevates their business with…
Brandon Klein Sep 21, 2014

Scaled - where startups grow

WHERE COMPANIES COME TO GROW Skaled is a revenue innovation group focused on replicable ways to generate new clients. Our expertise comes from years…
Brandon Klein Jul 07, 2014