Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution


Brandon Klein Jul 15, 2014

Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is probably the most widely used personality test in the world.
Brandon Klein Jul 15, 2014

How to Meet Challenges with Systems Thinking

Your life continuously presents new challenges. And your success directly depends on your ability to meet these challenges. You can choose various…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

Understanding the group dynamics and success of teams

Tackling complex problems often requires coordinated group effort and can consume significant resources, yet our understanding of how teams form and…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

Future of Work - Wakefield

Why curation will become even more important as the web gets louder The importance of meaningful work and the changing attitudes around job…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

Alchemy - graph visualization open source

Alchemy.js is a graph drawing application built almost entirely in d3.
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

The Holes of Holocracy

The idea was invented in 2007 by Brian Robertson, a software engineer then in his late twenties. Holacracy’s “constitution” is now on version 4.0,…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

League of Intrapreneurs

Do you work for big business? Are you responsible for launching a new initiative, product or service that is a force for good in the world? Would…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

Organization Mining Using Online Social Networks

Mature social networking services are one of the greatest assets of today's organizations. This valuable asset, however, can also be a threat to an…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014

Loyally Subversive

'In the mid-1980s, MacKenzie founded an oasis for creativity -- called the Humor Workshop -- just outside the walls of Hallmark headquarters. "I…
Brandon Klein Jul 14, 2014