Distributed Innovation and Creativity, Peer Production, and Commons in Networked Economy
Imagine that in late 1995 someone told you that two groups of engineers were developing a critical piece of web infrastructure—the web server…
Brandon Klein
May 19, 2014
Forget the social graph: pay attention to the work graph
A work graph consists of the units of work (tasks, ideas, clients, goals, agenda items); information about that work (relevant conversations, files,…
Brandon Klein
May 19, 2014
Tamr - leverage data from all sources intelligently
opportunity from variety
Brandon Klein
May 19, 2014
SolvBio - genomics for developers
Clinical-grade genomics. Built for developers.
Brandon Klein
May 18, 2014
SocialRank - find your best social media followers
Find Your Best Followers SocialRank helps brands and individuals find out more information about the people following them on Twitter.
Brandon Klein
May 18, 2014
Thinking Tools for Scaling Frameworks
Scaling agile is a hot topic these days. Frameworks like LESS (LargE Scale Scrum), SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) and DAD (Disciplined Agile Delivery)…
Brandon Klein
May 18, 2014
6 Health Apps Harness the Power of Watson
Biovideo: An app for new or expectant mothers, Biovideo is a searchable database that uses Watson technology to pull the most relevant, trusted…
Brandon Klein
May 12, 2014