Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Calendly - Scheduling appointments and meetings is super easy with Calendly.

Simple, beautiful scheduling Say goodbye to phone and email tag for finding the perfect time Sign Up Schedule meetings with just one email
Brandon Klein May 09, 2014

The art and science of systems change | Guardian Sustainable Business |

Until recently, the momentum driving US businesses toward greater sustainability came from big, influential companies: GE with its ecomagination…
Brandon Klein May 08, 2014

A Social Brain Is a Smarter Brain - Andy Zynga - Harvard Business Review

It is well established that brain games and puzzles act as calisthenics for our brains, expanding their capacity and improving their overall health.…
Brandon Klein May 08, 2014

Petervan | Thinker – Creator – Sensemaker

The Myth
Brandon Klein May 07, 2014

The Content Economy: 3 Reasons Why Knowledge Worker Engagement Is Decreasing

3 Reasons Why Knowledge Worker Engagement Is Decreasing Due to the technological development with the Internet and social media, markets are no…
Brandon Klein May 06, 2014

Pixar Cofounder Ed Catmull on Failure and Why Fostering a Fearless Culture Is the Key to Groundbreaking Creative Work | Brain Pickings

Why the greatest enemy of creative success is the attempt to fortify against failure.
Brandon Klein May 06, 2014

Aarrr!! Talk Like a Rebel | Rebels at Work

Burning Platform: Call the Fire Department! This phrase was born out of the belief that people will resist change until you give them a compelling…
Brandon Klein May 06, 2014

About | Quadrigram

Features & benefits
Brandon Klein May 06, 2014

How a Social Network Analysis (SNA) can help leadership development programs | Leadership Learning Community

Over the past several months the Leadership Learning Community has had the opportunity to partner with the Health Foundation for Western and Central…
Brandon Klein May 06, 2014

Bring Your Lectures into the 21st Century

Create an active and engaging lecture experience
Brandon Klein May 06, 2014