Meet the algorithm that can learn “everything about anything”
The most recent advances in artificial intelligence research are pretty staggering, thanks in part to the abundance of data available on the web.…
Brandon Klein
May 27, 2014
Social Physics and Meetings - Sandy Pentland
“The intelligence of the individuals didn’t matter.
Brandon Klein
May 27, 2014
Study: How Corporations are Deploying in the Collaborative Economy
Can big brands learn from Uber, Kickstarter, Airbnb and the Maker Movement? Yes, they’re using the same strategies to connect to their market, at a…
Brandon Klein
May 27, 2014
Clustered Networks Spread Behavior Change Faster
Unlike infectious diseases and news, behavior change spreads faster through online networks that have many close connections instead of many distant…
Brandon Klein
May 24, 2014
If I Were 22: You Want to Change the World, Do You? Then Unlearn These 3 Things Now
Unlearn Lesson #1: Innovation results from major shifts in thinking.
Brandon Klein
May 23, 2014
The Influencer checklist
☐ Personal motivation: If people don’t find the behavior appealing, how can we get them to try it (or at least have them experience the benefits…
Brandon Klein
May 23, 2014
This startup says it can find the algorithm that defines your data
A startup called Emerald Logic claims it uses an evolutionary process to discover the best algorithm for predicting outcomes from any dataset. It…
Brandon Klein
May 19, 2014
Flow and Knowledge Flow - HBR
HBR Blog Network 20140507_3 Create a Work Environment That Fosters Flow
Brandon Klein
May 19, 2014