Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution


Connect.Me was founded with a simple mission: make the social web a better place for real people.
Brandon Klein May 31, 2011 | the simpelest way to manage your cloud based backup files across mu...

centralize, share & edit Joukuu centralize all your backup files, share, edit and collaborate with friends and colleagues across multiple accounts.…
Brandon Klein May 25, 2011

regulatory health services business

CanReg is now OptumInsight , part of Optum — a leading health services business. We are a company dedicated to global regulatory consulting services…
Brandon Klein May 24, 2011


There are plenty of cool technologies available to collect and examine data. Both web and desktop applications have provided some really great…
Brandon Klein May 17, 2011

The Limits of Big Data - ReadWriteCloud

According to Borenstein, the theme embraced at FooCamp was "big data will save us."
Brandon Klein May 07, 2011

Rapleaf - Personalizing the consumer experience

Create a more personalized world.
Brandon Klein May 06, 2011

Promethease - SNPedia

Promethease is a tool to build a report based on SNPedia and a file of genotypes. Customers of testing services (23andMe, deCODEme, FamilyTreeDNA,…
Brandon Klein May 05, 2011

Unstructured Information Database - birds, weather, sounds...

MarkLogic is revolutionizing the way organizations leverage information. Customers use MarkLogic to develop and deploy information applications at a…
Brandon Klein May 04, 2011


Google for all your social cloud stuff
Brandon Klein Apr 25, 2011

Innovators, How Do You Use Data? - Scott Anthony - Harvard Business Review

I was particularly struck by this question: "How do I know when I have too much data and I can stop doing research?"
Brandon Klein Apr 15, 2011