Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Cool Tools for Collaboration?

Why is it that cool, new tools seem to make us all want to be more collaborative? Can they effectively make a difference? It has been proven that…
Brandon Klein May 07, 2010

Cool Tools for Collaboration?

Why is it that cool, new tools seem to make us all want to be more collaborative? Can they effectively make a difference? It has been proven that…
Brandon Klein May 07, 2010

Cups & Straws Module

This module was originally developed by Sandy Worthing and Andy Heppelle. This module is a small team activity that can be tailored for multiple…
Brandon Klein Sep 16, 2009

Charts to Represent Modes, Meaning and Mess

Source: Time Magazine Source: Time Magazine Scary charts. Are they helpful? The actual way health care plans work without these charts are virtually…
Brandon Klein Jul 27, 2009

Interviews as a Group Exercise

DESCRIPTION: In this module, a facilitator or staff member interviews one of the participants (or interviews a panel of 2 or more participants),…
Brandon Klein Oct 16, 2006

Fishbowl - Synthesis - Group Intent Conversation

DESCRIPTION: A “conversation in a fish bowl” is when you have two or more people discuss a topic in front of a larger group, who actively listen yet…
Bill Burck Sep 26, 2006

Trust Equals Intimacy Divided by Risk

Trust = intimacy/risk How about the reverse: Don't Trust Me. Or the unknowing: In God We Trust. How can we balance these three factors? Problem…
Brandon Klein Apr 18, 2006