Advanced Collaboration Research

Sharing practical ways to engage in the Collaboration Revolution

Collaborate Cognative Surplus

TED Talk about the use of games, cognative surplus and collaboration For decades, technology encouraged people to squander their time and intellect…
Brandon Klein Dec 14, 2010

Customer, Employee & Technology Collaboration

Original image by erin_malone Inspiring a better way to work isn't just a euphemism for 'work harder' or 'collaborate better' or 'be social this…
Brandon Klein Jul 16, 2010

Virtual & Social Collaboration: A Full Report

Magic quadrants, fully in depth research reports... It is hard to ascertain their true value to improved collaboration in your work place. The view…
Brandon Klein Jul 06, 2010

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration ROI

You may be familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It's a theory Abraham Maslow proposed in 1943, that provides a pecking order of human needs. At…
Brandon Klein Jun 16, 2010

Business Collaboration: Building your Network

Whether for business, pleasure or personal growth, we all seek opportunities to participate in gatherings of likeminded individuals (or those with…
Brandon Klein Feb 10, 2010

Crowdsourcing for Collaboration

Developments in public collaboration with governments is going to get a lot more interesting in 2010. A new $1 million prize, crowdsourcing and Apps…
Brandon Klein Jan 04, 2010

Research: Structural Holes - Collaboration Starts Life in the Hands of the Few

IN THE HANDS OF A FEW: Idea generation at some point involves someone moving knowledge from this group to that, or combining bits of knowledge across…
Brandon Klein Nov 02, 2009

Patents, Lawyers and Why Meetings Fail

Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers - not much explanation needed for these professions that are well ingrained in our minds, terms most of us were brought up…
Brandon Klein Sep 22, 2009

Charts to Represent Modes, Meaning and Mess

Source: Time Magazine Source: Time Magazine Scary charts. Are they helpful? The actual way health care plans work without these charts are virtually…
Brandon Klein Jul 27, 2009

Collaboration Super Tool, or Just Another Dissipating Wave

Has Google has done it again? New Media Collaboration players are releasing countless software products and upgrades, but none of them (except…
Brandon Klein May 28, 2009