Meredith Klein Meredith believes that intelligent collaboration will lead to solutions for the betterment of our collective future. As a woman, an experienced marketing professional, an online gift boutique founder, a mom and co-founder of an artificial intelligence software technology - Meredith, has spent most of her life connecting people with ideas, people with resources, people with brands and ultimately; people with people. Apr 03

5 Minutes to Revolutionize Your Team

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If you’re eager to create high performing teams, this tutorial will prove to be five minutes very well spent; or 4 minutes and 33 seconds to be precise. So silence your ringer, close your chat boxes and turn up the volume to learn how easily our new Ai Quick Connector software can help you create intelligent teams.



Still reading? Well, if you haven’t already watched above, our step-by-step tutorial will remove all the guesswork, guiding you through selection and customization of your survey, as well as providing a detailed look at how your participants will be engaged.

Watched it — now what? Now you’re ready to trial it, for FREE. Give yourself five more minutes and create amazing teams, in Real Time, without an app, did I mention, for FREE?

Join the Collaboration Revolution and get started now!

Learn more @



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Meredith Klein Meredith believes that intelligent collaboration will lead to solutions for the betterment of our collective future. As a woman, an experienced marketing professional, an online gift boutique founder, a mom and co-founder of an artificial intelligence software technology - Meredith, has spent most of her life connecting people with ideas, people with resources, people with brands and ultimately; people with people.