I get asked almost daily about information on social graphs, network science, social networks, organizational network analysis... and every derivation of the above words.
Here are some helpful links to help dive deeper into the subjects than a simple blog post or Google search to help you improve you work, networking and influence.
Social networks push runners to run further and faster than their friends
Waze Maps: If everything is a network, nothing is a network
When Hierarchies and Networks Collide
This 60-second animation shows how divided Congress has become over the last 60 years
Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters
Study of Generalized communities in networks
25 hour YouTube Class:Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks
YouTube: Redrawing the map of Great Britain from a network of human interactions
Original Harvard Business Review article on corporate networks
HBR The Rise of Social Graphs for Business
Explore Your Data: The Fundamentals of Network Analysis
McKinsey: Tapping the power of hidden influencers
The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks
"It's the connections, stupid!" Silicon Valley vs Cleveland and most other places
Optimal network clustering for information diffusion
Networks of Power in the Chinese Government
Handbook of Social Network Analysis
Hidden Power of Social Networks
Another Handbook of Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis, Link Analysis, and Visualization Software
The Large Scale Network Analysis Project
Redrawing the map of Great Britain from a network of human interactions
The diminishing role of hubs in dynamical processes on complex networks