It is time to update Bruce Tuckman's, 4/5 stages of development created in 1965. The original were: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (added later: Adjourning)
The new are:
-1: Googling
It didn't exist when the original was written, but now, a pre-requisite for any meeting is to do some research on the company or person you are meeting or teaming with.Photo by adjustafresh
1: Judging (formerly Forming)
Because you already know a little bit about the people and company you are working with, you began judging from before you walked in the door. Although you begin to exhibit 'forming' behavior, you have actually divided the room unintentionally. You automatically gravitate towards those who are similar to you or those with whom you are impressed - thereby slowing the rate of 'forming' as a complete collaborative team.
2: Competing (formerly Storming)
In the connected knowledge world, responsibilities, output and collaboration will all be tracked, validated and credited for. Individuals will want to have their name on the credits, just like Hollywood team members negotiate their credited role in their contract. The incorporation of digital collaboration and virtual teaming will further enhance the competition of teams.
3: Connecting (formerly Norming)
Once the battlegrounds are set, digital alliances and titles are aligned, the team will begin to cooperate at a speed and level impossible before collaboration technology. Traditionally, teams would settle and some creativity would be lost, but with constant information feeds and challenges being sent by distant teams and knowledge sources, true accelerated collaboration will begin to ensue.
4:Performing (still a key step)
While Performing remains a key step, the updated stages (-1 thru 3) effect how we perform.
You can read an excellent description of the original via a guest post.
*Please note: We have reached out to Dr. Tuckman and are awaiting his response.
Changes accepted via the comments below.