Brandon Klein Brandon understands that better teams are fundamental to all of our success. As a global thought leader, ushering in the 'Future of Work' revolution, he paves the way using data + design to accelerate the Collaboration Revolution. Brandon is the Co-Founder of the software start-up, Collaboration.Ai and an active member of The Value Web, a non-profit committed to changing the way decisions are made to better impact our world. Feb 28

Comprehensive Review of Collaboration Tools and Technologies

This site contains links to resources related to the spectrum of collaboration tools and technologies. The site will evolve over time and include additional links but for now the resources provided here are related to the model below. This model is only useful as a tool to look for distinctions and patterns. In practice, many facilitators and designers draw upon tools and methods from all of the zones shown here. A single workshop may employ some of the coaching style of facilitation, some of the emphasis on detailed design of the design intensive zone, some aspect of self-organization and perhaps some agent-based, web-based tools. Some practitioners are firm about following only one methodology to the exclusion of all others. Some practitioners eagerly build combinations from many methodologies. In the end, you must simply follow what works for you.

Technology, collaboration company, visualization, collaboration, collaborative web link, facilitation, opensourse, tools

Brandon Klein Brandon understands that better teams are fundamental to all of our success. As a global thought leader, ushering in the 'Future of Work' revolution, he paves the way using data + design to accelerate the Collaboration Revolution. Brandon is the Co-Founder of the software start-up, Collaboration.Ai and an active member of The Value Web, a non-profit committed to changing the way decisions are made to better impact our world.